About Us
Aunt Connie’s Ed-U-Kitchen™ was developed to address the need for families to learn nutritional behaviors that achieve and maintain healthy consumption of food.
As obesity continues to increase in young adults, so too has adult diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, become more common among overweight children.
Ed-U-Kitchen’s curriculum provides participants with an engaging, enjoyable, and sheltered learning environment that promotes increased awareness, skills and confidence in making healthy food choices.
We introduce food through hands-on, culturally relevant activities that provide instruction for independent home food preparation. By incorporating modifications of current household menus, we gain acceptance of preparing both familiar and unfamiliar foods using healthier approaches to preparation.

Who Benefits?
Youth in schools
Seniors engaged in health and wellness
Corporate employees
Program Strategies
Programs are customized and carefully crafted to impart a lasting positive nutritional impact
Age appropriate concepts are delivered supporting established nutrition/dietary recommendations
Programs involve staff, students, parents and community providing links to nutrition, health and well-being
Outcomes can be measured on site with the immediate adaptation of the instruction provided and/or tracking of participants outside the instruction period.

Cooking provides an experience where concepts become meaningful and that is when learning takes place and knowledge is retained. Our personal experience and research confirms, developing a healthy lifestyle builds self-esteem, reinforces good decision making skills and promotes conceptual thinking. Knowledge is retained thru the hands-on experience that has been proven to assist individuals with making positive choices in other areas of their lives.
"Let us design a healthy eating program for you today."